To decorate and color your events
pyromusical shows with the help of innovative machines that allow the moviment of the flame to the music
Every show can be considered as the canvas on whitch a painter every creations is unique, is pure art. Our proposal are backed up by a balanced relationship this offering solution what make it special every events and party.
Particular attention should be placed on the use of pyrotechnic materials .
Oliva fireworks does not use any plastic material and / or non- biodegradable
or environmentally unfriendly chemical powders , respecting the environment
in which you run the shows .
I produced and launched fireworks are all bearing the CE mark as well as
recognized and classified as per art . 53 of T.U.L.P.S. ( R.D. R.D. 773/31
and 635/40 - Implementing Regulation of the TULPS ) as provided by law
on explosives IV ° and V ° Category ( Fireworks ) by Decree of
the Minister of the Interior .
Any documentation request will be promptly provided